Today in this article I am going to tell you how to publish ios app to the appstore. I will provide you all information about publish ios app to the appstore. I will guide you step by step how to publish ios app to the appstore. 


How to Publish IOS App to the Appstore Step by Step Guide:

I have got it opened up then in app store connect of course you need a apple inventor account to publish apps or updates so then we're on the page for that ios app i've also got that ios app then the design brochure let's go ahead and open up its workspace i have taken the liberty of fixing a many small bugs in this ios app

Which is basically what we're going to publish the first thing we want to actually do for the sake of my memory and obviously for the sake of testing is make and run the app in a simulator make sure it actually does work. Let's talk about the two or three way that we really need to do to publish this ios app.

So of course you need to have a pack id registered presumably you have entered this when you created the design and you can also go ahead and add your apple inventor accounts to xcode if you go to the signing and capabilities tab we can see then that i formerly have asn group llc which is my llc that I publish under if you do not see this then you can actually hit the drop down and there will be an option to add a account now we formerly have interpretation 2.6 then ready for trade and we are going to be introducing a new interpretation so in your new apps case it would just be interpretation 1.0 presumably

but we'll go ahead and make this 2.7 gonna go ahead and produce this then and just bear with it and it's gonna go ahead and produce interpretation 2.7 for you just like that so roughly important effects to note then of course from previous performances the previous interpretation I should say abstract connect has changed a little bit this what is new box used to be over then but lately they have moved it down.

So we are going to need to fill this out and I want to say this ios app is localized to a bunch of languages so we'll take care of this in a moment let's actually work on getting this joe posted so now that where our ios app is working collecting it's good to go ready to hit the appstore we are going to go ahead and modernize the interpretation then to match our interpretation on the appstore.

And we are going to modernize this figure number as well now your executable your ios app that you release has both a interpretation and a figure number you can have a single interpretation with n number of figure maybe you have interpretation 2.7 and also you fix commodity differently and you can submit a new figure so on and so forth.

So now we have got our interpretation our shapes now it's time to library and get this up to the appstore so we can just go up to the toolbar then hit product and we've library but you will notice it's grayed out and the reason that it's is because we have named a simulator in the target for deployment we want to change it to any ios device arm 64.

And We'll go ahead and hit products library and just bear with this at this point in respects to it's going to collect URL and open up the xcode organizer window depending on you know your specs of your machine your macbook or desktop this will take anywhere between 30 seconds to a couple twinkles also obviously depends on the size of your ios app

This ios app isn't super large by any means so I presume it'll be rather quick so we just have a moment tab in then browse some nice vids and icons going on we can of course tap into some of these fashions and see the picture directions constituents we can add also these two pets and add the directions and thingamabob to our grocery list or constituents.

I should say that is principally what this app does so each this library so we can start doing over then's filling out the what is new so I will just fill this one out so I will just say bug fixes and stability advancements now we need to fill this out. Some other effects to keep in mind is you of course need to fill out all your metadata.

So in my case it's all filled out formerly because I have submitted a original interpretation but you will need effects like the description let me actually change this reverse to english you will need effects like the screenshots for colorful uh sizes so without a notch with a notch I suppose this ios app supports ipad as well. 

We'll want some keywords selling urls etc etc you will also need to fill out the app information which in this case whoops let's not change runners because i have not saved app information which includes like the name the cutline pricing which this app is free sequestration markers etc.

So it looks like this is still chugging on then actually it looks like it succeeded then we're so then is the factor organizer window with the goodies app interpretation 2.7 figure one and we accessibly have this huge distribute app button we'll just hit it we are going to say go on over to app store connect we want to post rather than export the ipa which is the binary for our app.

It's going to tell you a bunch of effects then like costing the app record et cetera et cetera occasionally this fails for really strange flash reasons if it does you can either try it again or there's another app called transporter I can find it transporter and you can actually use this as well to post to the app store connect.

Now it wants me to subscribe in then which I'm not going to do we'll see if this joe decides to do its job and perhaps if it takes too long or decides to just not work so bear with me then what it's basically trying to do is cost the record that we've then in app store connect so it knows where to post to if it takes too long like it's right now in my opinion.

We there it goes each right looks like it set up a bunch of set up the record and it's giving us some pre-checked options then we'll just accept those continue principally it's telling us that xcode will automatically handle the law signing which is our distribution profile of course I formerly have created that then on my computer.

You actually do not need to produce that manually presently formerly you subscribe into the to your apple id account with your inventor account linked xcode will produce if demanded the lines and save them for you so back in the day you had to do a lot of homemade configuration like seven eight times ago uh that's no longer the case thankfully. 

So now it's gonna say recycling it will show you a summary with your app icon the platoon it shows you the instrument it indeed tells you that it's pall managed the profile the pack id whether symbols are included and some other information as well like fabrics and thingamabob. 

So we'll go ahead and continue then and hopefully it'll post fairly snappily this again takes anywhere between a many seconds to maybe a many twinkles perhaps. If you want to further by all means uh go ahead so we'll just sit then and principally say staying for response presumably from apple after app store connect still kind of sucks in my opinion it has come a long way for you know the once several times.

But it's still really slow and I would love to see some advancements made on apple's part in terms of trustability um. It's just incredibly slow not only on posts and other api access but indeed just like loading this runner so for illustration if I hit the save button like in this case it was enough quick if I refresh this runner occasionally it just spins and it takes quite a while to refresh. 

which is a little nuts like indeed in this case like it takes a little longer than I would anticipate it to take and looks like in this case the screenshots did not load in right down but I bumble with my first world complaints if we come back then it's performing a spi check which i've no idea what this stands for in all honesty but so long as it passes it should be good to go we are back to staying for response. 

So we shall see someone needs to put on some jeopardy music at this point but basically this will deliver your ios app to app store connect now if anything is you know goes crazy or any error occurs you will see a large error icon with some descriptions down below you can just google those or honestly drop them in the commentary down below.

I have seen quite a many of them over the times the biggest bones that I've seen or most common I should say is if your pack id is completely incorrect uh meaning that it's not registered with apple and apple does not know that it indeed exists you will get an error also if you've formerly publishing a app for the interpretation.

You are trying to publish for so then we go ahead it actually shows it's publishing the package to the appstore at this point which is deceiving because it's not actually going to the appstore it's going to abstract connect and when you submit it and release it also it goes to the appstore.

But what i was saying earlier is if you have a interpretation then that you've formerly posted for it will principally yell at you and say hey you formerly have an app in app store connect for this interpretation of figure either change the interpretation number or change the figure number each right.

So nearly done then so formerly this is actually posted the where the place where you can see your bill is if you go to test flight then you will actually see your shapes and interpretation figures show up under then so it looks like it formerly peopled interpretation 2.7 figure one and it's in fact processing and that is because we have got a green check mark then that this succeeded.

And we can actually go ahead and close out xcode then i will close up the simulator as well and then we got ta stay for the app to reuse so i will just go ahead and give it a pause then since processing is really a waiting game it could take again anywhere between a couple seconds generally it's enough rare but call it a nanosecond to a couple hours.

I have seen some larger apps from you know some enterprise companies take a couple hours to reuse so we'll break it then when we are back so we can just submit this joe for review looks like our figure has just finished recycling i've also filled out all of the localized what is new textbook boxes. 

So now we can go ahead and submit so first we see then it's missing compliance so we'll hit this manage and i formerly know we need to check no then most folks will be checking note you can go ahead and read the blurb if you so choose to do so we'll do no and hit the launch internal testing which will shoot out a invite to the folks i have got then on test breakouts.

We'll go back to the appstore tab and to our 2.7 prepare for submission next up we need to attach this figure to this submission so then we've a figure section super creatively named i will hit this button and we'll see a single figure i believe in then which matches the interpretation which is 2.7 figure number one we'll check it good to go and i believe that is all we need to do since. 

I've filled everything additional out formerly hit that save button and we'll try to hit add for review this used to be called submit for review but it has ago been changed so then it's asking us to confirm go ahead and hit continue and i believe it takes us to a new page now let's see what we have got so looks like we have still got a incentive this is what i was talking about earlier that abstract connect it's a laddie bit slow.

So just bear with it then if it really drives you crazy just refresh the page and do it again honestly it does not really get better than that so we'll see how this works so it looks like it's taking its time there it goes each right so we should have another evidence page which we do so it's saying confirm your submission particulars ready to review is this new appstore interpretation.

I also want to say if you have like an apple watch app or in- app purchases those will be listed then as well so it kind of shows you like a raspberry's eye overview of what you are submitting to apple for review we are just submitting this app update so we'll hit that submit button and we will be good to go shortly we'll see the status of this change to staying for review once it decides to get its life together and refresh the page. 

So just bear with xcode rather apps for connect then too numerous times if we are in with xcode i always end up saying xcode so just bear with it then and formerly again it should take you back to that summary page like so perhaps not there we go so it's back now on this page and it says the new status is staying for review and we should have this review the submission rather accepted enough snappily since it's an update and apple has gotten enough hot about this so that's posting your ios app from xcode design to the appstore in a nutshell some way that i got to kind of skip then's filling out all this metadata which is tone- explicatory in my opinion let me know if you have any questions regarding that down below anything that i covered or did not cover i am happy to help happy to answer to you.

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